The different Base encoding methods are depictions of numbers and letters in computer sciences.
Since the original ASCII is only able to encrypt 128 characters it was necessary to develop other systems that were able to work with a larger number of symbols. The different Base-encryptions according to standard RFC-4648 are able to just do that. Still, they must not be mistaken for the different representations of Base 16, 32, 64 or 85. Here data is translated into binary values and put into a new order (see pictures).
Base16: rarely used
Base32: a transmutation of the original is used (not the newer Base32Hex)
Base64: for applications such as MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) which are used for email enclosures. It is also needed for the smooth transfer of binary data.
Base85: (also called ASCII85) This encoding method is most commonly used for the PostScript fileformat of Adobe. It is also known as ASCII85.