Functionality and example
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII, alternatively US-ASCII) is a 7-bit character-encoding scheme . The ASCII encoding was published on 17 June 1963 as ASA X3.4-1963 standard. It was updated in 1967 and most recently in 1968 (ANSI X3.4-1968). The encoding defines 128 characters, consisting of 33 non-printable and 95 printable ones. The printable characters include the Latin alphabet in uppercase and lowercase letters, the ten Arabic numerals and some punctuation. The character set is similar to a keyboard or typewriter for the English language. In computers and other electronic devices that represent text, it is stored in ASCII or with backward compatibility (ISO 8859, Unicode).The non-printable control characters include newline characters and tab or protocols like transmit off and hyphen. Each character is assigned a bit pattern of 7 bits. Since each bit can have two values, there are 2 ^ 7 = 128 different bit patterns, which also can be interpreted as the integers 0-127 (hex 00-7F). Special characters used in non-English languages - for instance the German umlaut - can not be represented completely with the 7-bit code, it would require at least 8 bits.
In the function letters will be assigned to their ASCII values. The unicode table is used that defines an even much larger character set. In the table in addition to the 128 ASCII characters a further 128 characters are displayed, including the German umlauts. This character set is called "Latin-1". The Unicode is much greater, so GCC for example will show for the ? icon the correct unicode value 8364.
"Test" will be converted to "84 101 115 116".

ASCII converter
Display of extended ASCII-table
ASCII converter

Enter the text or the numbers to be examined. Numbers have to be separated by a space.
Selection decode / encode. Encoding means letter to ASCII / Unicode, decoding means ASCII / Unicode to letters
The converted text or the converted number