1.7.2 (28.01.2019)
- fix: Colors crash on open
- fix: Error in Letter Values
- fix: Error in Scrabble
- chg: Proguard enabled for shrinking
- new: All Outputs are now selectable
- fix: Formula Solver Output
- fix: Crosstotal
- fix: Letter Values Reset
- fix: Some Play Store compatibility updates
- chg: Target API 11 (Android 3.0+)
- chg: MGT Table: Klingon
- new: Gray Code
- new: BCD
- new: Aiken
- new: Libaw-Craig
- new: Stibitz / Exzess-3
- new: ASCII Sums
- new: Scrabble
- new: Colorsystem YPbPr
- new: Homophonic
- new: RC4
- new: Pig Latin
- new: Tapcode versions
- new: Coordinates Mercator Projection
- new: Coordinates Midpoint (Three)
- new: Coordinates Equilateral Triangle
- new: Coordinates Intersection
- new: Coordinates Resection
- new: Coordinates Cross Bearing
- new: Coordinates Date Converter
- new: Coordinates Icons
- new: Setting for Default E/W and N/S
- new: Hash Whirlpool-0
- new: Hash Whirlpool-T
- new: Hash Tiger-128
- new: Hash Tiger-160
- new: Hash Tiger2
- new: Hash SHA-0
- new: Hash SHA-224
- new: Hash HAS-160
- new: Hash RIPEMD-256
- new: Hash RIPEMD-320
- new: Hashes HAVAL
- new: MGT Table: Hobbit Runes
- new: MGT Table: Tengwar
- new: MGT Table: Astronomy
- new: MGT Table: Zodiac
- new: MGT Table: Bluebox
- new: Numeral Bases: +/- Buttons
- fix: Gade output
- fix: Morse
- fix: Tapcode layout
- fix: Tapir layout
- fix: Typos
- fix: Big Number Output
- fix: Astronomy Moon
- fix: Hash Whirlpool
- fix: Coordinates Intersection Bearing
- fix: Vigenere Autokey Bug
- fix: Colors: RGB to HexCode
- fix: Coordinates: Gauß-Krüger
- fix: Menu enabled
- fix: MGT Table: Freemason
- fix: MGT Table: Gypsy Signs
- fix: Vigenère Encryption
- fix: PSE Exception Bug
- chg: Phone Menu
- chg: MGT Table: Angerthas / Cirth
- chg: MGT Table: DTMF
- chg: Gade Output
- chg: Coordinates order
- chg: Empty Coordinate Input Handling
- chg: Coordinates Intersection Precision
- chg: Coordinates UTM/MGRS revised
- chg: Coordinates SwissGris Precision
- chg: Color Value Precision
- chg: Alphanum -> Letter Values
- chg: 'show cross total' -> 'show sums'
- chg: Playfair Output
- chg: Coordinate Intersection (Three) Output
- chg: Geohash moved to Coor. Converter
- chg: Renamed internal Packages
- new: Solitaire
- new: Cross Total Range
- new: Kamasutra
- new: Atbash
- new: Affine
- new: e (Euler's number)
- new: Phi (Golden Ratio)
- new: Tap Code
- new: Deadfish
- new: Rotation +/- Buttons
- new: SHA3 (Keccak) 224
- new: SHA3 (Keccak) 256
- new: SHA3 (Keccak) 384
- new: SHA3 (Keccak) 512
- new: Rotation Ellipsoids
- new: Bacon Cipher
- new: CCIT2 / Zuse Z22
- new: Gade Cipher
- new: Astro - Sun/Moon Rise/Set
- new: Astro - Easter Date
- new: Astro - Easter Years
- new: Astro - Seasons
- new: Astro - Shadow Calculator
- new: Periodic System of Elements
- new: PSE to Text
- new: Gauß-Krüger Coordinate Format
- new: Maidenhead/QTH Coordinate Format
- new: DNA
- new: Polybios
- new: Substitution
- new: Tapir
- new: Scytale Width
- new: More Digits in Pi-Functions
- new: Vigenere Autokey
- new: Kennys Code - AutoDecode
- new: Thumbnails of MGT Tables
- new: Added Descriptions for MGT Tables
- new: MGT Table: Babylonian Numbers
- new: MGT Table: Barbier Alphabeth
- new: MGT Table: 8-Point Braille
- new: MGT Table: Deafblind
- new: MGT Table: Fakoo
- new: MGT Table: Sign Writing
- new: MGT Table: Greek Alphabet
- new: MGT Table: Lorm Alphabet
- new: MGT Table: Nießen Alphabet
- new: MGT Table: Quadoo
- new: MGT Table: ROT5
- new: MGT Table: Cyrillic
- new: MGT Table: Shutter Telegraph
- new: MGT Table: Enochian Alphabet
- new: MGT Table: Space Invaders
- new: MGT Table: Dancing Man Code
- new: MGT Table: Templar
- new: MGT Table: DTMF / MFV Signals
- new: Redone Icons for HD Devices
- new: Jelly Bean Icons for big Screens
- new: Copy more than one Coordinate
- new: Lock Screen-Orientation in Settings
- fix: MGT Search Bug
- fix: Railfence Bugs
- fix: GC Base 31 Bugs
- fix: Base85 Decode Bug
- fix: Kenny Decode Bug
- fix: Autocorrection disabled
- fix: OTP Key Length Bug
- fix: Alphanum Bug
- fix: myGeoTools View on Android 4.X
- fix: MD4 Output
- fix: Error on empty Search
- fix: Prime Factors
- fix: ADFG(V)X
- fix: Heat Index
- fix: Geohash Layout
- fix: SwissGrid-Projection
- fix: SwissGrid-Input
- fix: Kennys Code - Special chars
- fix: Enigma Rotor Numbers
- fix: Typos
- chg: Versioning
- chg: Many Performance Improvements
- chg: CircleIntersect also with Inner Point
- chg: Enigma Labels
- chg: Order AlphaNum Output
- chg: Permutation Output
- chg: Updated Table: Arcadian
- chg: Updated Table: Atbash
- chg: Updated Table: Ath
- chg: Updated Table: Braille
- chg: Updated Table: Freeson
- chg: Updated Table: Gypsy Signs
- chg: Updated Table: PSE
- chg: Updated Table: POSTNET
- chg: Updated Table: Roman Numerals
- chg: Updated Table: ROT13 / Caesat
- chg: Updated Table: Dragon Runes
- chg: Updated Table: Phoenican
- chg: Updated Table: Mayan Numbers
- chg: Updated Table: Puzze Code
- chg: Updated Table: Ogam/Ogham
- chg: Updated Table: Segment Display
- chg: Updated Table: Flag Semaphore
- chg: Updated Table: Chappe Code
- chg: Updated Table: Vanity Code
- chg: Updated Table: Hieratic Numbers
- chg: Updated Table: Glagolitic
- chg: Updated Table: Greek Numbers
- chg: Updated Table: Indian Numerals
- chg: Updated Table: Japanese Numbers
- chg: Combination Coord Distance/Bearing
- chg: No Restart for Theme Change
- chg: Internal Translation Files
- chg: New Line-Break Handling
- chg: Settings API Level 17 Ready
- chg: New Morse Icon
- chg: New Kennys Code Icon
- chg: New Color Icon
- new: Widget(s)
- new: Function Search
- new: Calculations In Search Bar
- new: ADFG(V)X Alphabet and Matrix
- new: Tablet Ready
- new: Coordinates Intersection 3 Circles
- new: Coordinates Intersection Lines
- new: Coordinates Swiss Grid (CH1903/+)
- new: Coordinates Default Input Mode
- new: Coordinates Default Output Mode
- new: Coordinates Options
- new: Alpha Numeric Counting
- new: Crosstotal Counting
- new: myGeoTools Cherokee Alphabet
- new: Phone Input Type for Numbers
- new: Google+ Page Link
- new: Locus Free Contributor Link
- new: Formula Solver Value Replacment
- fix: Formula Solver Close Cursors
- fix: Formula Solver Clear Values Warning
- fix: ADFG(V)X Decrypt Bug
- fix: Enigma Different Bugs
- fix: Numeral Systems Big Numbers
- fix: Layout Scaling (SP to DP)
- fix: Morse Code Special Chars
- fix: Roman Numeral Strict
- fix: Roman Numeral Converting Rules
- fix: Vigenère Offset Bug
- fix: Vigenère Decode Bug
- fix: Error Handling for Select Activitys
- fix: Removed Unused Classes
- fix: Playfair Decrypt Error Message
- fix: Alpha Numeric Input Mode
- fix: Resistor Typo
- fix: Pi Typo
- fix: Prim-Factors Typo
- fix: Coordinates Message Count
- fix: Coordinates Error Tags
- fix: Coordinates Empty Field Error
- chg: Coordinates Input Functions
- chg: Coordinates Remove Unused Code
- chg: Coordinates Intersection Descriptions
- chg: Coordinates Radius Label
- chg: Coordinates Minutes Leading Zero
- chg: Split Coordinates Structures
- chg: - Bearing Class
- chg: - Distance Class
- chg: - Midpoint Class
- chg: - Intersection Bearing Class
- chg: - Intersection Distance Class
- chg: - Intersection Circle Class
- chg: Settings Activity Class
- chg: Global Spinner Replace
- chg: Global Checkbox Replace
- chg: Changelog Show Less
- fix: Alpha Numeric Offset Input
- fix: Geohash Empty Error
- fix: Windchill Activity Error
- new: Enigma
- new: Prime Numbers (through 1.000.000)
- new: Pi (up to 1.000.000 digits)
- new: Geohash
- new: ASCII / UTF-8 Converter
- new: Seven New myGEOtools Tables
- new: Alpha Numeric Offset
- new: Alpha Numeric Direction
- new: Cross Total: Claculation
- new: Cross Total: Cross Product
- new: Automatic Main Menu Sorting
- new: Main Menu Render Engine
- new: Checkbox Replace Control
- new: GeoCaching.com Theme
- new: Coord: DMS Seconds Decimal Point
- new: Coord: UTM Decimal Point
- new: Coord: Conversion Engine
- new: Coord: Conversion Rounding
- new: Coord: Decimal Accuracy Setting
- new: Coord: MGRS Input Mask
- fix: Coord: Intersection Bearing
- fix: Coord: Different Type Bug
- fix: Coord: Converting Float Bug
- fix: Coord: 0/90/180/270/360 Degree
- fix: Coord: Switch UTM North/East
- fix: Coord: Bearing Label
- fix: Coord: UTM Converter
- fix: Coord: Bearing Accuracy
- fix: Coord: Distance Accuracy
- fix: Color Select Error
- fix: Color Crash in Pro Version
- fix: Rot-X Output Label
- fix: Numeral Systems Remove Messages
- fix: Vigenère Position Change
- fix: Vigenère Ignore Whitespace
- fix: Vigenère Rotation Error
- fix: Cross Total Alternating
- fix: OneTimePad Rotation Error
- fix: Projectile Units Rename
- fix: Projectile Accuracy
- fix: myGEOtools Maya Table
- fix: Brainf**k Mode Label
- fix: Removed Unused Packages
- fix: Removed Unused Classes
- chg: Rename Brainf**k
- chg: Renamed Package Structures
- chg: Alpha Numeric Checkbox
- chg: Alpha Numeric Seperator
- chg: Rot-X Icon
- chg: Template Names
- chg: Light Orange Template Icons
- new: Fully myGEOtools Integration
- new: Color Picker and Converter
- new: Clear Input Buttons
- new: Kenny's Code Cipher
- new: Brainfuck / Ook Converter
- new: Scytale Cipher
- new: RSA Cryptography
- new: ADFG(V)X: Second Key
- new: Coordinates: New Calculation
- new: Coordinates: Projection Distance Unit
- new: Coordinates: Projection Re-Use Button
- new: Coordinates: Bearing Unit
- new: Coordinates: Output Target
- new: Coordinates: Distance Units
- new: Coordinates: Intersection Distance
- new: Coordinates: Intersection Circle
- new: Formula Solver: Remove Dec. Place
- new: Formula Solver: Formula View
- new: Numeral Systems: Floating Point
- new: Numeral Systems: Negative Bases
- new: One Time Pad: Rotation Select
- new: Over-Worked Menu Icons
- fix: Home Menu Registry
- fix: Faster Rotation Algorithm
- fix: Faster Cross Total Algorithm
- fix: Projection Bearing Check
- fix: Projection Distance Input
- fix: Formula Solver Values Input
- fix: Remove Unit Test
- fix: Coordinates: Projection Distance
- new: Alternating Cross Total
- fix: Remove Max Version
- new: Formula Solver
- new: GC Base31
- new: Phone: Text To Number
- new: Phone: Text To Input
- new: Phone: Vanity Code
- new: Heatindex
- new: Windchill
- new: Tables
- new: First Start Dialog
- fix: Alpha Numeral Input Mode
- fix: Rail Fence Output Check
- fix: Cross Total Neg. Product
- fix: About Version Space
- fix: Home Menu About German
- fix: Internal Registry Package
- start: First Public Release
- new: Numeral Input Mode
- fix: Projectile Copy Values
- fix: German Menu Sorting
- fix: German Coordinates Converter
- fix: Base Multi Line
- fix: Playfair Single Line
- fix: Roman Substraction View
- fix: DEG Three Sub Minutes
- new: Hint De-/Encoder
- new: Pressed and Focused Fields
- new: Donation Function
- new: Own Donation
- new: Roman Numeral Table
- new: Return Menu
- new: 50/100 Starts Message
- new: Alpha Numeric /w Cross Total
- new: Resistor Color Table
- new: Resistor Color Example
- new: Rail Fence Cipher
- new: Reverse
- new: Playfair Cipher
- new: ADFG(V)X Cipher
- new: German Translation
- new: Cross Total Mode
- new: Vigenère Decode
- new: Home Select Background
- new: Chronogram
- new: App Web-Page
- new: App Facebook-Page
- new: Projectile
- new: Coordinates Convertion
- new: Coordinates Distance
- new: Coordinates Bearing
- new: Coordinates Midpoint
- new: Coordinates Projection
- new: Coordinates Intersection
- fix: ASCII Table Menu
- fix: Resistor Copy Output
- fix: Numeral Converter Copy Output
- fix: Numeral Base Copy Output
- fix: Numeral Table Menu
- fix: Context Menus
- fix: Donation Link
- fix: Home Grid Spacing
- fix: Correct Field Spacing
- fix: Resistor Table Width
- fix: Menu Name Sorting
- fix: Input Field Lines
- fix: Spinner Label Bug
- fix: Numeral Spinner Bug
- fix: Projectile Empty Bug
- fix: Small Spinner Strech Bug
- fix: Change min. Version to 1.6
- new: Numeral Systems
- new: Numeral Base Conversion
- new: Numeral Systems Table
- new: ASCII Table
- new: Resistor Color Code
- fix: Numeral Convert Input Border
- fix: Spinner Replace Item Array
- new: Hide Empty Output
- new: Version Information
- new: Settings Menu
- new: Template Select
- new: Font Size Select
- new: Styleable Spinner Replace
- new: Style Link Text View
- new: Implement Color Marker
- new: Finish Carbon Template
- new: Finish Dark Template
- new: Finish Light Template
- new: OneTimePad Button
- new: Size Select Function
- new: Settings Home Icon
- new: Input Charset Setting
- new: Base 16, 32, 64, 85
- fix: Settings Load Error
- fix: Settings Label Color
- fix: Correct Field Spacing
- fix: Correct Output Font Size
- fix: Theme Restart Message
- fix: Light Home Buttons
- fix: Select Background Color
- fix: Input Charset Hash
- new: Different Menu Icons
- new: Shrink int. Registry Calls
- new: Context Menus
- new: Clipboard Support
- new: Input on Orientation Change
- new: Alpha Numeric \'-\' Support
- new: Text View Link Actions
- new: Cross Total Copy Option
- new: Create three Base Templates
- new: Styleable Input Fields
- new: Styleable Buttons
- new: XML Style Reference
- new: Output Dark Background
- new: Copy Output Toast
- new: Application Icon
- fix: Landscape Home Icon Bug
- fix: Vigenère Spell Bug
- fix: Roman Numeral max. to 29.999
- fix: Activity Field Vars
- new: ROT5, ROT18, ROT47
- new: Morse Table
- new: Rotation Algorithm
- new: Array Core Function
- new: ROTX Select
- new: Morse Select
- new: Debug all Functions
- new: Basic UI Styling
- new: Template Function
- fix: Empty Input Ignore
- fix: Trim Input
- fix: Rotation Bug
- new: Alpha Numeric
- new: Morse Code
- new: Action Bar
- new: About
- new: Activity Animation
- new: Basic Template Functions
- new: Landscape and Portrait Support
- new: App2SD Support
- new: General Algorithm Review
- new: Change Views to Activitys
- new: Style and Template Files
- fix: Permutation Count Bug
- fix: Caesar Rotation Bug
- new: Caesar Chiffre
- new: Roman Numeral
- new: 26 Hash Algorithms
- new: Optical Improvement
- new: Template Basics
- new: ROT13
- new: One Time Pad
- new: Vigenère
- new: Rotation
- new: Permutation
- new: Cross Total
- new: Core Class
- new: Program Basics