Functionality and example
ROT-X is a substitution cipher (also called Caesar's cipher) which is a simple way to encode text. This is achieved by subsituting letters, e.g. ROT-13 will subtitute a letter of the alphabet with another letter which is 13 places further ahead in the alphabetic order. If the rotation will exceed the letter Z one will simply go on with the letter A. Therefor using this method “HELLO” will become “URYYB”. In this case the letter “O” will be substituted by the letter “B” since the letter Z will be exceeded and the 13th letter now will be B.
All hints at geocaching.com are enciphered using ROT-13.

Quelle: Wikipedia

All following functions will branch out to an identical input system therefor there will be only a documention for one method.Input
ROT5 (only for numbers)
ROT13 (only for text)
ROT18 (for both text and numbers)
ROT47 (for text, numbers and special characters)
Implementation of strings with different number of rotations

The characters to be converted
The characters after using the respective rotation method